Project Title: Stephenstown New Schools, Balbriggan, Co. Dublin
Value: €20.0 million
Dates: July 2017
Brief Description: Construction of a new three storey 1,000 pupil Post Primary School and a new two storey 750 pupil Primary School with a Special Needs Unit, General Purpose Halls and supporting infrastructure.
The project entailed an extensive civil engineering works package involving; initial site stripping, drainage & services installation, SUDS, water harvesting, new access roads and car parks, cycle lanes and footways. We also provided extensive environmentally friendly CO2 absorbing hard and soft landscaping involving new trees, shrubs, hedges, green areas and new ball courts.
The building was delivered to a very high A2 BER rating. To guarantee quality works, throughout the construction period we conducted weekly integrated HSEQ audits.
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